Fair Trade
The Cotteridge Church is committed to the principles of Fairtrade and has received official recognition as a 'fairtrade church'. We stock a wide range of goods supplied by Traidcraft, the leading fair-trade organisation in the UK, helping thousands of families around the world work their way out of poverty.
This includes coffee, tea, chocolate, nuts, cereals, pasta, biscuits etc. These are set out on a Saturday (10.00 a.m. - 1.30 p.m.) and on a Sunday before and after the main service, but are available from the Coffee Bar any weekday (10.00 a.m. - 1.45 p.m.).
Together with carefully selected books, including children's books, and greetings cards, our fairly traded goods represent an important retail opportunity in the locality.
Further information:
Roger Collins (0121 459 4009) or Jane Stephens (0121 458 7552).