7th Birmingham Company BB
Connects to the 7th Birmingham Company of the BB which meets at the Cotteridge Church
We provide, free of charge, a wide range of support and therapies to help you recover from the symptoms associated with pre and postnatal depression.  Our services are delivered across Birmingham and they include individual befriending sessions, group work therapy, telephone support, practical support in your own home and massage therapy for parents and your baby.
“Volunteers required: Acacia is a Christian charity supporting mums and dads affected by pre and postnatal depression and we’ve recently branched out into Northfield. Do you have good listening skills, warmth and empathy? Roles include: weekly befriending (by men and women), delivering groupwork, creche, hospitality - at Northfield Baptist Church, assisting with occasional home visiting in the South/Central area. Free training given. 
Please phone 0121 301 5990, email volunteering@acacia.org.uk or download an application pack:
The B30 Foodbank operates as part of The Trussell Trust network, which empowers local communities to combat poverty and marginalisation in the UK. Our role is to work with the people that society forgets, providing practical help and enabling each person to realise that they are valued. Our vision is to build communities where people of all backgrounds are included and have the opportunity to live in dignity with hope for the future
Bible Society
Bible Society exists because millions lack the Bible in a language they can understand, in a form they can use or at a price they can afford. At the same time millions still have no understanding of the Bible’s value for them and their communities.
Birmingham Churches Together
Birmingham section of Churches together in England
Boys Brigade
A Christian organisation designed to make a positive contribution to the lives and faith of young people from age 5 to 22 years
Boys Brigade in Birmingham
Gives news about BB activities within the city
Christian Aid
Christian Aid is working to bring an end to poverty around the world - tackling its root causes as well as its effects
The purpose of the Christian Enquiry Agency is to inform people about Jesus Christ and Christianity. It is our hope that men and women will take steps of faith toward a commitment to Jesus Christ as a result of what they discover. It is our prayer that having an active faith will improve their lives.
Church Missionary Society
Wants the world to know about Jesus
Church of England, Birmingham
Birmingham Diocese web site
Churches Together in England
Web site forum for different denominations to liaise
Council for World Mission
Exists to promote resource sharing for mission throughout the world
Counselling Directory
Counselling Directory is a confidential service that encourages those in distress to seek help. The directory contains information on many different types of distress, as well as articles, news, and events. To ensure the professionalism of our website, all counsellors have provided us with qualifications and insurance cover or proof of membership with a professional body.
fb: www.facebook.com/CounsellingDirectory
tw: www.twitter.com/Counselling_UK
Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions and local sustainability for third world farmers & workers. It provides ethical products which also offer quality and value.
Fairtrade Birmingham
Committed to fair and ethical trade
Methodist Church
National web site for the Methodists
The Church of England
Anglican web site
The Society for Ecumenical Studies
To advance the Christian Ecumenical Movement and the Unity of humanity in Christ
helps people in developing countries transform their lives, by dealing in fair trade