Stay & Play




The Cotteridge Church - Stay and Play Group

The group is for parents and carers with children and babies (0-4 years).

We meet every Friday 9.30 to 11.30am during school term time.

Organised by volunteers from The Cotteridge Church. Play sessions are free to attend and are on a first come first served basis, meaning should it be felt there are more people wishing to attend than may safely be accommodated, there may be times when visitors will unfortunately be turned away. Should this need to happen please stay and use ithe play area within our Café.

There is no need to book in advance - simply pop along to the church on a Friday morning.

We aim to provide fun, friendship and support for each other, as parents and carers along with positive play experiences for children, in a safe environment.

A warm welcome is awaiting you and we hope you enjoy the friendly group and have fun.

Refreshments may be purchased and enjoyed in our Café,  before  during or following play sessions. (We ask that hot drinks are not taken into the play room for safety reasons. Likewise, we request that mobile telephone use is limited to the Café area also, as many prefer to not have photographs of their children taken.

Here is our session at a glance.


9:30 till 11:15       

Arrival & registration. Free play.

11:15 Everyone is encouraged to assist in tidying toys into boxes please.


We have a soft area for under 1’s with a baby gym and toys. We have a variety of toys, including dressing up, construction toys, dolls, cars, ride on toys, and books.

The range of toys available will vary week to week to provide different adventures for the children.


The Cotteridge Church has toilets and nappy changing facilities, and we request all carers to make use of these in the interest of hygiene. Buggies and prams can be brought into the Malvern Room and stored safely.

We can warm bottles in the kitchen on request and we welcome breast feeding. 



We are in the centre of Cotteridge with good bus links and very close to Kings Norton railway station. When arriving at the church please come through the main entrance and café. We meet in the spacious Malvern Room which is our main worship area. You will find it suitably kitted out with toys for all ages. Click here for more details.



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