Our Mission Statement
The calling of The Cotteridge Church is to respond to the Gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission.
Our Mission Plan
Inspiring Worship
The Cotteridge Church seeks to be a place where God can be encountered and worshipped.
We will endeavour to ensure that our worship is inviting to all and inspires us in our faith and the actiton it calls us towards.
Radical Compassion
The Cotteridge Church seeks to be a place of compassion where all may encounter love, regardless or race, faith, age, gender, sexuality, background or ability.
We will seek to ensure that our work and our building are welcoming, inclusive, safe and empowering and are suitably designed to meet the needs of our local area.
Social Justice
The Cotteridge Church believes that all people are created in God's image and reveal something of God's nature.
We will seek to be a prophetic voice to proclaim in word and deed the dignity of all.
Transforming Life
The Cotteridge Church knows that lives can be transformed through encounter with God's love revealed in Jesus Christ.
We will seek to respond to God's love to us by loving others that their lives may be transformed.
The Cotteridge Church has ecumenism rooted at the heart of its very existence and its members represent the diversity of the Body of Christ.
We will seek to encourage further the contact and understanding between the wider variety of Christian traditions locally and through our constituent denominations, nationally.
The Cotteridge Church (February 2019)