Other organisations meeting at Cotteridge Church
Tuesday 6 - 7 pm Girls aged 5-7 years
Rainbows are the youngest members of Girl Guiding UK. We have lots of fun making things, playing games and meeting new people.
Contact: Laura Hussey https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/home.aspx
Tuesday 6.30 - 8 pm Girls aged 7-10 years
Brownies have fun, learn new and practical skills and by taking part in games learn about team work.
Contact: Ana Leech Tel: 0121 246 7779
Girl Guides
Tuesday 7 - 8.30 pm Girls aged 10-14 years.
Contact: Tracey Branch Email: tmbranch@hotmail.co.uk
Mondays 7.30 – 9 pm (alternate weeks)
Contact: Claire Scorrie Tel: 0121 459 9172